Editorial Cartoons
Editorial Cartoons from Bert Ring include published works for the Glendale NewsPress, Burbank Leader, corporate newsletters and magazines as well as his takes on current news events and hot topics.
Closing Act. #robinwilliams
Comfort Women
Despite opposition from Japanese groups and some residents of Glendale, The Glendale City Council approved placing the statue honoring the Korean women who became sex slaves of the Japanese Imperial army during WWII. BLR
Chief’s Ride-Along
More accusations are hurting the Burbank police Department. Might as well send your City Attorney to ride along,... just in case.
Lincoln Park Tow Away
The Burbank City council decided to put a stop of all the toys left behind at Lincoln Park. The move was a bit controversial, as some parents said not having to lug their tot's items to the park was a benefit. Glendale News-Press
Financial Piñata
With raising pension costs, proposed electric rate hikes, and all manner of legal costs, Glendale residents are getting hit harder and harder. Glendale News-Press
Despicable Funds
The New Horizons Family Center in Glendale CA has been closed for awhile, but continues to generate funds from other establishments. How appropriate that "Despicable Me" came out on the same week.
Justice Forever
Due to the current recession, another post office falls in Burbank, CA
Caption Says It All
The City Council considers closing down the Glendale Post Office to save money. Meanwhile...
Their Way
Who owns the road? Ask the residents of Pasadena CA.
Ignorance Is Bliss
Burbank Ca City Councilman, David Gordon is in the hot seat again for flip flopping on the sidewalk issues for years.
Stupid Is As Stupid Does
A couple of punks from Glendale Ca decided to beat up a homeless man that was resting in a parking lot. The caption above is pretty close to what they said to the police.
Next In Line
Burbank City Council finally voted in 7 year councilman, David Gordon as Vice Mayor. He is now next in line for Mayor next year, but he can't wait! SaveSave
One Step For Man…
Local Glendale CA school, Clark Magnet High School students deployed a space module attached to a large balloon up to space, as JPL is enduring difficult budget cuts to reduce staff and planetary explorations.
Burbank CA elementary school teacher was caught for giving his class the answers during the Star testing program.
Doo Dah!
Every year, Pasadena hosts the annual Doo Dah Parade on Colorado Blvd. It's like a big flashy party as parade participants throws marshmallows & tortillas on to the crowd.