Editorial Cartoons
Editorial Cartoons from Bert Ring include published works for the Glendale NewsPress, Burbank Leader, corporate newsletters and magazines as well as his takes on current news events and hot topics.
Cowards On The Loose
Bicyclist Damian Kevitt was seriously injured in Glendale CA when a van cut him off and dragged him several yards until the van speed away on to the freeway. Unfortunately he lost his left leg.
Armenian Genocide
Ca Assemblyman, Adam Schiff sent a personal letter to President Obama to urge him to recognize the Armenian Genocide in the US
Glendale Councilman Ara Najarian is known to support reality star, Kim Kadashianin the past for either city council or mayor. He's fun to poke with.
Signs Of The Times
The six point intersection of Victory & Burbank Blvd. in Burbank CA is causing a traffic pileup. The city can't afford to upgrade the situation due to the sequester.
Next Move
Even during the heaviest recession that our city is facing, Glendale continues to build.
Easter Surprise
Guess who didn't support the annual Easter Egg Hunt in Burbank?
Singing The Blues
The Rialto Theatre in Pasadena Ca is an historical landmark but it hasn't been kept up as much as the Pasadena Playhouse. The theatre is in danger of being demolished.
Sinking Feeling
Reaching Out
With the recent suicides in the Glendale Ca Area, Students need to reach out to others for help.
Only Temporary?
Burbank's Bob Hope Airport hangs up large artwork of selected students in the area, but with the declining rate of passengers, they gotta do what they gotta do.
Be Good.
Burbank CA Police Dept. Layers & legal team has ran up the bill just over $7.1 in fees. ...and counting.
A True Fan
First Lady, Michelle Obama invited the famous "Mohawk Guy" from JPL to the State of the Union.
What About Us?
Some students at Hover High school, Glendale CA were harassed by Police Officers due to their hispanic nationalities. They sued the City of Glendale and the ACLU )American Civil Liberties Union) that was representing the students was rewarded instead. by the way, I...
Unseating A Councilman
Burbank Councilman, Jessie Talamantes is rerunning for council but is getting protests from residents & rest ail workers that he bailed out the DeBell Golf Course rather than putting the money into local schools & businesses.
Historical Site
The Verdugo Hills Golf Course located in La Cresenta Valley CA is in danger of being leveled for new track homes. But there may be hope, back in WWII, there was a detention camp that was built on the same land and may be called an historical site and may be protected...